Sec. I. Authority to maintain School Discipline.

        (D.O. No. 92, S. 1992 Page 22-23)

“Every school shall maintain discipline inside the school campus as well as outside the school premises when pupils or students are engaged in activities authorized by the school.”

I.I    Imposition of Disciplinary Action

 I.I.I. School officials and teachers shall have the right to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary measures in case of minor offenses or infraction of good discipline. However, no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against any pupil or student.

 I.I.2 Suspension / Expulsion (Sec. 145-151, Part VI Chapter III, Service Manual 1960)

 * For first and other offenses which are not very serious in nature, a suspension from school not exceed to three (3) days maybe authorized by the principal without the prior approval of the Division Superintendent. However, parents must be informed by the teacher or the school principal of any misconduct on the part of the children for which disciplinary action is necessary.

  For persistent offender or one guilty of a serious offense, a suspension not more than (1) year maybe impose subject to the approval of the Division Superintendent.

Suspension for a school year or more, or expulsion from school can be ordered only by the secretary.

In all cases of suspension, a written promise of future exemplary conduct signed by pupil / student and countersigned by his parents or guardian shall be required as a condition for readmission and must be required in the case of suspension for more than three (3) days 

1.2.2. Attendance of pupil/ student in special holidays, activities relative to their religions, e.g. RAMADAN, shall be allowed provided permission of the school head is sought.

1.2.3. Absences. A pupil / student who incurs absences of more than twenty percent (20%) of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the school year or term should be given a laboratory periods during the school year or term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the course or subject. Furthermore, the school head may at his/her discretion exempt a student who exceeds the twenty percent limit for reasons considered valid and acceptable to the school. 

Such discretion shall not excuse the student concern from the responsibility in keeping up with lesson assignments and taking examinations where indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the school head and may not be availed by a student nor granted by a faculty member without the consent of the school head. 1.2.4. Habitual Tardiness especially during the first period in the morning and in the afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call the parents of the student concern or visit him at home.

Section 2. Rights and Responsibilities of a Student

2.1. Rights of the students in school. The students and pupils in all school shall enjoy the following rights, in addition to those rights provided for under relevant laws, subjects to limitations prescribed by laws and regulations:

2.1.1. The right to received, primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as persons with human dignity;

2.1.2. The right to avail of school guidance and counseling service towards making decisions and selecting alternative field of school work suited to their potentials;

2.1.3. The right to have access to their own school records, which shall be maintained and preserved in a confidential manner by the school;

2.1.4. The right to expeditious action not exceeding thirty (30) days from receipt of request by the school, to the issuance of official school certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades, transfer credentials and similar school documents or records.

2.1.5. The right to publish a student newspaper and similar publications and to invite resource persons during assemblies, symposia, and other activities of similar nature.

2.1.6. The right to have free expression of opinions and suggestions, and to avail of effective channels of communication with the appropriate academic and

administrative bodies of the school;

2.1.7. The right to form or establish, join and participate in organizations and societies, for the purpose not contrary to law.

2.1.8. The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their own organizations or societies.

Section 3. Students Activities

3.1. Classrooms are to be used for academic purpose only.

3.2. No group actions like boycott of classes / demonstrations against any issue, person or teacher will be allowed.

3.3. Co-curricular activities shall be subject to prior approval of the school head.

3.4. Meetings, assemblies, convocations and activities shall be held in the presence and with knowledge of the Principal, Head, Teacher, or Guidance Counselor, teacher or Club Adviser / Coach.

Section 4. Campus Security

4.1. Only bonafide students of the school shall be allowed inside the school campus.

4.2.  No visitors shall be allowed inside the campus during school hours except for valid reasons. They shall be required to sign the logbook of the security service.

4.3. Teachers shall confer with parents / guardians or entertain visitors during their off period.

4.4. No students or visitors shall be allowed inside the school building and premises after the last class period has ended except for schools with night classes.



SECTION 1. Every bonafide student of the school shall wear the pre- scribed school uniform. 

SECTION 2. The prescribed school uniform for the boys shall be: 

Polo, Black Pants and Black Shoes with white socks. 

White collared shirt with the specified school logo at the left breast, black pants, and black shoes with white socks. 

SECTION 3. The prescribed school uniform for the girls shall be: 

A white sports collared blouse with the specified school logo, blue skirt, and black shoes with white socks. White collared shirt with specified school logo, blue skirt and black 

SECTION 4. The uniform for PE shall be as prescribed by the authorities.

SECTION 5. Violation of these rules shall be dealt with accordingly.

  1. FIRST OFFENSE. He/She will be assigned to clean a certain

part of the school Campus for not more than one hour.

  • SECOND OFFENSE. He/She will bring with him/her his parents to the Guidance Office for the proper guidance and counseling and must sign a promissory note.
  • THIRD OFFENSE. Suspension for five (5) consecutive school days.
  • FOURTH OFFENSE. Dismissal.



SECTION 1.  Every bonafide student of this school shall wear the prescribed school Identification Card (ID) which serves as passport for entry in the school campus and pin the same throughout the school session.

SECTION 2. Any violation to this rule shall be served the penalties prescribed in Section 5 of Article 1 of the school            

SSG rules and regulation 


SECTION 1. Every bonafide student is required to attend the flag Ceremony every school days. 

SECTION 2.Any violation to this rule shall be served the

penalties prescribed in Section 5 Article 1 of the school SSG rules and regulations


SECTION 1. Littering of wrappers, plastic bottles etc. inside the

school campus is strictly prohibited. Violation to this rule by any bonafide student of this school shall be served the penalties as prescribed in Section 5, Article 1 of the school SSG rules and regulations.

SECTION 2. Any bonafide student found violating Section 1 of

this Article shall be out rightly DISMISSED.



SECTION 1.  Any student found to be under the influence of

liquor is not allowed in the school campus. Drinking liquor or taking prohibited drugs inside the school campus is strictly prohibited.

SECTION 2.  Any bonafide student found violating section 1 of

this article shall be outrightly DISMISSED.


SECTION 1.  Gambling of any kind inside the school campus is strictly prohibited.  Violation to this rule by any bonafide student shall served the penalties as prescribed in Section 2, Article V of this SSS rules and regulations.



SECTION 1. Bringing deadly weapons inside the school campus is strictly prohibited.  Any violation of this article by any bonafide student shall serve the penalties as prescribed in

Section 2, Article V of the SSG rules and regulations



SECTION 1.  Misconduct and any act of lasciviousness by any bonafide student are punishable in the school campus.

SECTION 2.  Any bonafide student of this school who is found guilty shall be dealt accordingly.

  1. FIRST OFFENSE. He/She will be brought to the Guidance Office with his/her parents for proper guidance and counseling and must sign a promissory note.
  2. SECOND OFFENSE.       Suspension for five (5) consecutive school days.
  3. THIRD OFFENSE.          Dismissal.



SECTION 1.  Students fighting or quarrelling with any bonafide student or with any school authority shall serve the penalties prescribed in Section 2, Article VIII of the SSG rules and regulations.



SECTION 1.  Destroying school properties. Writing on the walls, chairs or benches and destroying plants are acts of vandalism.

SECTION 2. Any bonafide student who is found guilty shall be

dealt with accordingly.

FIRST OFFENSE. Suspension for five (5) consecutive school days aside from paying /replacing destroyed school property.




SECTION 1. Any student who is found guilty of stealing school properties and the like shall serve the following penalties is prescribed in Section SECTION 2, Article X of the school SSG rules and regulations.



SECTION 1. The official language to be used by all bonafide students in the school campus shall be English or Filipino and same must be emphasized by every subject teacher in the classroom.


SECTION 1.  Smoking is strictly prohibited within the school

campus. Smoking prohibition includes the electronic cigarette.

SECTION 2. Any bonafide student who is found guilty shall be

dealt with accordingly.


SECOND OFFENSE. Suspension for five (5) consecutive school





SECTION 1.  Any bonafide student who incurS at least three consecutive absences should be brought to the Guidance Office for proper Guidance and counseling.

SECTION 2. Any bonafide student who incurS absences of at least thirty percent (20%) of the total number of prescribed school days without due reason should be automatically dropped from the roll.



SECTION 1. All bonafide student of this school must observe good grooming.

SECTION 2. Long hair and earrings are not allowed among male students.

SECTION 3. Any student found guilty shall serve the penalty in Section 5, Article 1 of the school SSG rules and regulations.



SECTION 1. Every bonafide student is expected to extend extra care in the use of all school properties including classrooms and comfort rooms.

SECTION 2. Any bonafide student who is found guilty of destroying any school property particularly classroom and comfort rooms should serve the penalty as prescribed in Section 2, Article X of the school SSG rules and regulations.