Thrust Program Objectives Strategy Persons involved Target Clientele Time frame Place Target
1. Raising Standards in Improving Campus Journalism OPLAN WAGI-Winning Achievements thru Interventions Acquire the know-how in article writing (basic language, unity of ides, coherence) and the values and discipline (fairness, accuracy, honesty, and the like) just like the regular subjects they take in school. Conduct interventions to maintain the status of campus journalism in the Division, Regional and National Conferences through monitoring and consistent consultations. Administrator, School Paper Adviser, Teachers, Parents and Journalists   Student-Journalists Year round School/classrooms 100% of the participants should have acquired the know- how in article writing.
A. Student Project WRITE-Worthy Resources and Training for Excellence Develop winning student journalists through genuine leadership and dedication of school administrators and School Paper Advisers Toward Campus Journalism -Create an atmosphere giving importance to journalism activities and programs -Attend cluster trainings Administrator, SPA, Teachers, parents and Pupils, SPAs Student -journalist   Year round School/classrooms At least 85% of the students’ journalistic skills are developed.