Agta: A Gift to Admire

“ instead of losing hope , they always apply a single smile of confidence that can spread positivity

I’m living on a modernized town near market place, fancy restaurants, high buildings and many shopping malls. But despite the fact of having such advantage on a modernized area, I cant stop on asking myself the question, do all parts of the world have this kind of life? Then our journey to Joaquin Dela Cruz Camalaniugan Cagayan gave me the answer. Ariving at the small community after about 10 minutes of speed boating and 20 minutes of intense walk, I see the hopeful eyes of those adorable children ready for a delightful surprise. There was no electricity. We, as an outreach team gave them food, clothes, toys and made a small party for them. That reflects to me that even the smallest things in a modernized town can paint a very big smile on a child living on the slums of rural area. This outreach teach me that I should be thankful of what I have and be contented for beyond my simple living in a socialized town, there is a
community that needs a lot of love and attention. AGTA’s are indigenous people also known as Itas or Negritos. Their only source of income and food are hunting, farming and fishing. This is amazing to think that they can survive in their own way of even far away from modernized towns and cities. This community is a perfect example of contentment and compassion. Instead of loosing hope, they always apply a single smile of confidence that can spread positivity and commitment. The AGTA community is not a simple community. It is indeed poor in resources but rich in culture and love. From now on, AGTA
does not mean negritos or Itas for me, it means A Gift To Admire.

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