By Fred F. Castañeda

Throughout History, we had known valiant people who fought in Wars, against abuses, against corruption, and for our freedom. In the process, many offered courageously their lives that others may live free. All of them never asked to be rewarded, never requested to be recognized. These persons are OUR HEROES. We remember and honor them for the many things they had done that changed our world and our lives. Their deeds paved the way for freedom, created better civilization and peace and security for all.

In these current Covid-19 Pandemic, we are faced with an unknown enemy that caused stupendous sufferings and unimaginable deaths. Once again, OUR HEROES rushed to waiting danger to save lives. They are our Frontliners. They are Medical Team of doctors & nurses, Hospital personnel, ambulance crew, pharmacies, laboratory technicians and medical support teams. They are no different than our Fire Fighters who rushed into a burning building to save people and property. They are no different than our Police Men and Women who brave each day fighting crime. They are no different than our Military Forces who defend our country’s freedom and welfare. What is common amongst them? Their bravery and commitment to save lives irregardless of the danger facing them.

Today’s heroes are our Medical Team, our Frontliners. They face an unseen enemy to save people’s lives. Due to the severity of the virus no family members can visit patients in the hospital. They are the only link of the sick and dying providing hope for recovery and comfort. In their desire to save lives, they are deprived of rest and sleep. Many worked 12 hrs., 16 hrs. and some 24 hrs. each day. Some Frontliners were infected by the virus and some died. For those who recovered they rushed back to duty. Because of their bravery and compassion, many recovered and the number of deaths was minimized.

Among these heroes are our very own ASAT Alumni currently working in hospitals and medical facilities. For their distinguished service and meritorious bravery, this article is dedicated to them. We honor them by publishing their names as Frontliners. They are OUR HEROES:

The above list of active medical personnel is the only available at the time of this writing. Many more fellow alumni are in the Medical Field around the World. To all of you, please accept our Thanks for your great service. We grieve for all Frontliners who lost their lives as they themselves contracted the virus while helping patients. You are OUR HEROES!

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