by: Bryle Lheykate S. Galong

To enhance the reading level of grade 7 learners, the English Department of the school launched Project REACT (Reading Excellence Achieved through Contextualized Text), July 31, 2019.
Project REACT is a reading intervention program of the English Department that aims to reduce the number of non-readers in the school.
“Our goal is to help students at frustration reading level by providing them with one on one reading tutorials through contextualized reading materials.” said English Group Head Mark Jason U. Dayao.

Mr. Dayao revealed that during the initial screening through GST, it was found out that 1.3% or 6 out of 447 grade 7 students who took the test managed to get to independent reading level. 193 or 43% made it to the instructional reading level while 249 or 56% were classified on the frustration reading level.

With this the department proceed to the next phase which is the oral reading test taken by the 249 students under frustration level.
As a result, they were able to identify 13 who are non-readers and 42 who are at the frustration reading level or those who failed on the first three assessments.
The identified non-readers were given one on one reading tutorials while those at the frustration level were taught by group during their ICL.