by: Bryle Lheykate S. Galong
School Principal II Edward D. Garcia explained that Learning Action Cell will greatly benefit the teachers and students as the topics discussed on it are centered toward learning improvement.
LAC session is a program of the Department of Education that aims to create professional learning communities that will help teachers to have a wider scope of teaching content and methodologies.
Dr. Garcia said that through LAC sessions, the teachers are trained to enhance the skills in particular aspects of curriculum and improvement of classroom learning.
According to him, the topics for LAC session were chosen through a survey per subject area. It depends on the need of per subject area.
“Let us say for example in Math, they will determine the least mastered competencies then based from that, the teachers will make a plan on how to teach that competency more effectively. With this, students will be benefited.” explained Dr. Garcia.
“Actually, each subject group is working on different learning intervention materials that can improve the performance of the learners. Like how the English group created their contextualized materials patterned after Phil IRI to increase reading comprehension.” he added.

Photo by: Erie Doroca.