Batch 2005 donates P48k for pathway construction

Batch 2005 gave more than P48,000 to construct a concrete pathway connecting the main campus and the grade 7 building on August 2019.

Upon the request of their former adviser Mrs. Marjorie

C. Cardenas, batch 2005 pitched in more than P48,000 for the construction of the said project.

“When it rains, the number one problem is the muddy road going to the grade 7 building. Thankfully, batch 2005 answered to our call.” said Mrs. Cardenas.

The pathway construction started on the first week of August and finished its construction on the last week of the same month.

“Giving is not just making a donation, it is about making a difference.In return to what our Alma Mater has done to mold us to be who we are today, we the batch 2005 want to give back as a way of saying thank you to the school.” said Ms. Dianne Annang, the batch admin of 2005.With the pathway constructed, students would no longer worry about soaking their shoes during rainy seasons.” she added.

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